The September 2023 issue of the SNS JU NEWSFLASH prepared by the SNS OPS project is available at this link SNS Newsflash – SNS JU (europa.eu)
The September 2023 issue of the SNS JU NEWSFLASH prepared by the SNS OPS project is available at this link SNS Newsflash – SNS JU (europa.eu)
The 5G!Drones partners invited a wide audience to the final online webinar of 5G!Drones project! In this webinar, a 5G!Drones project overview, its final results and the lessons learned were presented. The webinar was open to anyone interested in learning about 5G!Drones findings after its 3.5 years of research and trials. Read more “5G!Drones webinar video”
During the Athens trials at the Egaleo stadium, the use case #4 was tested: Connectivity during crowded events. Involved partners: NCSRD, Cosmote, INFOLYSIS, MoE, CAFA Tech, Hepta, UML, Frequentis and RobotsExpert. During the last day of the Athens trials at the Egaleo stadium (9 September 2022), lead partners provided insights and recommendations through their debriefing interviews. Read more “5G!Drones Athens trials debriefing-interviews video”
On September 8th the 5G!Drones showcasing event took place in front of the public at the Egaleo Municipal stadium in Athens, Greece! The use case #4 was showcased: Connectivity during crowded events. Involved partners: NCSRD, Cosmote, INFOLYSIS, MoE, CAFA Tech, Hepta, UML, Frequentis and RobotsExpert. Briefing and safety training took place before getting on the field. Read more “5G!Drones Athens showcasing event video”
5G!Drones project final trials in France were executed at EURECOM premises, on 16th and 17th September 2022! 5G fully automated drone flight controlled by a C2 container located on Eurecom’s MEC server and UC2Sc1 were tested. Participating partners EUR, CAF, INV, AIR, FRQ and UO. Read more “5G!Drones France final trials”
5G!Drones project performed the final trials of Athens platform and showcased its findings at the Egaleo stadium (5-9 September 2022). The use case #4 was tested: Connectivity during crowded events. Involved partners: NCSRD, Cosmote, INFOLYSIS, MoE, CAFA Tech, Hepta, UML, Frequentis and RobotsExpert. Read more “5G!Drones Athens final trials”
5G!Drones project performed the final trials of Oulu platform and showcased its findings at the University of Oulu campus (22-26 August 2022). Use cases tested: UC1Sc1,UC1Sc2, UC2Sc2, UC3SC1 UC3Sc3. Involved partners: University of Oulu, CAFA Tech, Alerion, Hepta, Nokia, Involi and FLE. Read more “5G!Drones Oulu final trials”
On Thursday 18 August 2022, 5G!Drones project partners conducted final trials at Aalto University in the following scenarios: UC1Sc1 UTM, UC1Sc3 Logistics, UC3Sc2 IoT sensing. Involved partners: Aalto University, CAFA Tech, Involi, Frequentis, DroneRadar, RobotsExpert. Read more “5G!Drones Aalto final trials video”
The 5G!Drones paper entitled “On using Deep Reinforcement Learning to reduce Uplink Latency for uRLLC services” by Karim Boutiba, Miloud Bagaa, Adlen Ksentini was accepted at IEEE Globecom’22, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, December 2022. Read more “5G!Drones publication at IEEE Globecom 2022”
The latest 5G-PPP and SNS JU Newsletter (October 2022) prepared by the 6GStart project is available online. It refers to the latest 5G news and activities performed during the third quarter of 2022 by 5G-PPP and 6G-IA research projects. Several activities and upcoming events are also mentioned. Read more “5G-PPP/SNS JU Newsletter Issue 27”