5G!Drones paper in IEEE MeditCom 2021


5G!Drones paper in IEEE MeditCom 2021

IEEE MeditCom 2021 (International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking), 7-10 September 2021, Athens, Greece. Due to the on-going COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting travel restrictions, the conference was in the form of a hybrid conference with some authors and participants attending the conference in Athens in person, and others attending remotely. 5G!Drones presented the following conference paper: Panos Matzakos, Harilaos Koumaras, Dimitris Tsolkas, Maria Christopoulou, George K Xilouris and Florian Kaltenberger, “An open source 5G experimentation testbed”.

More info available at https://meditcom2021.ieee-meditcom.org/program/demos/