5G!Drones Deliverables are listed below. All public (PU) deliverables are available for downloading.
Del.# | Name | WP# | Lead Participant | Type | Dissemination Level | Delivery Date | Download |
D1.1 | Use case specifications and requirements | 1 | UML | R | PU | M06 | |
D1.2 | Initial description of the 5G trial facilities | 1 | UO | R | PU | M06 | |
D1.3 | 5G!Drones system architecture initial design | 1 | ORA | R | PU | M08 | |
D1.4 | Report on UAV business and regulatory ecosystem and the role of 5G | 1 | CAF | R | PU | M12 | |
D1.5 | Description of the 5G trial facilities and use case mapping | 1 | UO | R | PU | M12 | |
D1.6 | 5G!Drones system architecture refined design | 1 | DEM | R | PU | M24 | |
D1.7 | Final report on UAV business and regulatory ecosystem and the role of 5G | 1 | INF | R | PU | M42 | |
D2.1 | Initial definition of the trial controller architecture, mechanisms, and APIs | 2 | AU | R | PU | M12 | |
D2.2 | Initial implementation of the trial controller | 2 | INV | O | Software, CO | M23 | |
D2.3 | Report on algorithms, mechanisms and tools for data analysis and visualisation | 2 | FRQ | R | PU | M24 | |
D2.4 | Definition of the trial controller architecture, mechanisms, and APIs | 2 | EUR | R | PU | M24 | |
D2.5 | Trial controller software final release | 2 | DEM | O | Software, CO | M33 | |
D2.6 | Data analysis and visualisation software implementation | 2 | NOK | O | Software, CO | M33 | |
D3.1 | Report on infrastructure-level enablers for 5G!Drones | 3 | OPL | R | PU | M18 | |
D3.2 | Report on vertical service-level enablers for 5G!Drones | 3 | EUR | R | PU | M26 | |
D3.3 | 5G!Drones Enablers Software Suite | 3 | UO | O | Software, CO | M35 | |
D3.4 | UAV use case service components | 3 | ALE | O | Software, CO | M36 | |
D4.1 | Integration plan | 4 | DRR | R | PU | M7 | |
D4.2 | Integration status and updated integration plan | 4 | DRR | R | PU | M26 | |
D4.3 | Trial plan | 4 | CAF | R | PU | M26 | |
D4.4 | Trial evaluation report | 4 | COS | R | PU | M42 | |
D5.1 | Communication, showcasing, dissemination and exploitation plan and standardization roadmap | 5 | INF | R | PU | M6 | |
D5.2 | Report on communication, showcasing, dissemination and exploitation achievements and plan for the second term of the project | 5 | RXB | R | PU | M23 | |
D5.3 | Report on contribution to standardisation and international fora– 1st Version | 5 | AIR | R | PU | M18 | |
D5.4 | Report on contribution to standardisation and international fora– 2nd Version | 5 | THA | R | PU | M42 | |
D5.5 | Final report on communication, showcasing, dissemination and exploitation | 5 | ORA | R | PU | M42 | |
D5.6 | Report on activities related to commercial exploitation and partnership development | 5 | OPL | R | PU | M42 | |
D6.1 | Data Management Plan and quality and risk management plan | 6 | OU | ORDP | PU | M4 | |
D6.2 | Annual report, year 1 | 6 | OU | R | PU | M12 | |
D6.3 | Mid-term review report | 6 | OU | R | PU | M18 | |
D6.4 | Annual report, year 2 | 6 | OU | R | PU | M24 | |
D6.5 | Annual report, year 3 | 6 | OU | R | PU | M36 | |
D6.6 | Final project report | 6 | OU | R | PU | M42 | |
D6.7 | Information on cumulative expenditure incurred – M18 | 6 | OU | R | CO | M18 | |
D6.8 | Information on cumulative expenditure incurred – M30 | 6 | OU | R | CO | M30 | |
DMP | 5G!Drones Data Management Plan | 6 | OU | R | PU | M42 |