2nd European 5G Observatory Stakeholder Workshop


2nd European 5G Observatory Stakeholder Workshop

The second stakeholder workshop “European 5G Observatory – 5G for growth and recovery” will take place as an online event on Friday, 25 September 2020 from 10:00-14:15. This workshop is open to all stakeholders interested in 5G, including telecom operators and suppliers, national authorities in charge of telecom and spectrum policy and regulation, as well as representatives of the vertical industries looking at the use of 5G for their use cases.

This workshop will be the opportunity to review the main findings of the second year of the 5G Observatory and to exchange views on the current state of play of 5G deployment, the latest market trends and in particular the impact of the current crisis on the 5G progress. It will also serve as input for the planned update of the Action Plan for 5G and 6G as announced in the Commission’s Digital Strategy last February.

Read more about the event at: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/2nd-european-5g-observatory-stakeholder-workshop-5g-growth-and-recovery?fbclid=IwAR1Imn8kK_-cX1lDGkH7NlIwiE17rUoo86QS-fiFIam7Ik6bSn5oxb6kiwU