5G!Drones – An excellent mixture of partners
5G!Drones project and its proposed use cases have been designed and defined by Verticals and they will be executed in close collaboration with the 5G and UAV industries, along with the help of the academia and city authorities. As a result, the 5G!DRONES consortium represents an excellent mixture of industrial and academic profiles from all over Europe.
In specific, it covers the sectors of Verticals (Airbus, Thales, Hepta Airborne, CAFA Tech, Alerion, UMS, INVOLI, Frequentis), commercial network Operators (Orange France, Orange Poland, COSMOTE), Networking industry (NOKIA), SMEs (INFOLYSiS, Robots.Experts, DroneRadar), outstanding EU Research Centres (EURECOM, DEMOKRITOS), renowned Universities (UO and AU) and the municipality of Egaleo city. The consortium also includes 5 partners operating two ICT-17 5G experimental sites (EURECOM, ORANGE, COSMOTE, Municipality of Egaleo and DEMOKRITOS).