6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association (6G-IA)
The 6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association (6G-IA) is the voice of European Industry and Research for next generation networks and services. Its primary objective is to contribute to Europe’s leadership on 5G, beyond 5G and SNS/6G research. The 6G-IA represents the private side in both the 5G Public Private Partnership (5G-PPP) and the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU).
In the 5G-PPP and SNS JU, the European Commission represents the public side.
The 6G-IA brings together a global industry community of telecoms & digital actors, such as operators, manufacturers, research institutes, universities, verticals, SMEs and ICT associations. The 6G-IA carries out a wide range of activities in strategic areas including standardization, frequency spectrum, R&D projects, technology skills, collaboration with key vertical industry sectors, notably for the development of trials, and international cooperation.
For more details: https://6g-ia.eu/
An online calendar for upcoming events is also provided at https://6g-ia.eu/events/list/
A News section, for promoting 6G-IA and projects activities is also available at https://6g-ia.eu/news/
Information for 6G-IA members application (https://6g-ia.eu/about/5g-ia-membership-application/) and eligibility criteria for associate members (https://6g-ia.eu/associates-members/) also available online through the 6G-IA website.