NCSRD IIT Newsletter reports 5G!Drones activities


NCSRD IIT Newsletter reports 5G!Drones activities

The Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications (IIT), NCSRD, dedicates in its newsletter the month of October to 5G Networks. The workshop “5G Trials in Europe: 5G Experimentation Facilities and Vertical Trials: Current Status and Future Perspectives” and the 5G!Drones Athens Trials are core topics of this newsletter.

The workshop was successfully organised by the Media Networks Laboratory (MNL) on Wednesday 14 October, between 9:00-15:00 CEST, in the frame of H2020 projects 5GENESIS and 5G!Drones with the support of the 5G-PPP partnership. It was attended online by almost 100 participants.
On 19-21 October 2020 in the frame of the 5G!Drones project, MNL’s researcher Dr. Harilaos Koumaras along with international consortium partners, i.e. Cosmote, HEPTA, CAFA Tech,, Municipality of Egaleo and INFOLYSiS conducted technical flight trials with drones in 5G network at the Stavros Mavrothalassitis municipal stadium of Egaleo and at Cosmote Academy.
More information available at: