5G!Drones throughout its life time will participate in several Communication and Dissemination activities.
5G!Drones targets publications in selected and high-impact journals and magazines on communications/networking, reputed international as well as vertical-oriented publications and international conferences. An appropriate balance between academic and industrial awareness is considered. In addition, presentations and participation in the organization of workshops, events and sessions are highly are a vital part of the communication and dissemination activities of the project.
5G!Drones also showcases selected use cases or project key components enabling UAV in industrial events and vertical-oriented events. Moreover, 5G!Drones will participate to showcase key project components in exhibition booths at international conferences.
All related activities such as Publications, Conferences, Workshops, Presentations, Articles, Demonstrations, Press Releases and many more are reported in detail on these sections.
Latest 5G!Drones project leaflet and poster
More details on 5G!Drones project are also available on the 5G!Drones leaflet and poster. You may download the leaflet here (initial version), here (latest updated version) and the poster here.