5G-PPP Projects Heritage figure released!
The 5G-PPP Projects Heritage figure (Version 1.0) was released and depicts the PPP programmatic connections between projects over the different phases. 5G!Drones as a phase 3 (ICT-19) project participates in the 5G-PPP projects heritage figure, interconnected with the 5GENESIS and 5GEVE phase 3 projects (performing trials on their 5G experimental platforms).
Three categories are depicted in the figure:
- Project follow-up actions (captured in red solid lines),
- Components use/re-use (captured in light blue dotted lines) and
- ICT-19 Verticals Pilots / ICT-17 Platforms use (captured in dark blue dotted lines).
A Version 2.0 5G-PPP Projects Heritage figure will be developed/released in Autumn 2020, integrating the ICT-53 and ICT-42 projects.
A Version 3.0 5G-PPP Projects Heritage figure is planned for Spring 2021, integrating the ICT-52 and ICT-41 Projects, which are currently the latest 5G-PPP planned projects to be contracted under the H2020 5G-PPP programme.
More info available at https://5g-ppp.eu/5g-ppp-heritage/