Tag: article


Article on 5G!Drones by Media Networks Laboratory

Dr Harilaos Koumaras, Media Networks Laboratory’s scientific responsible for H2020 project 5G!Drones, along with representatives from partners Cosmote, HEPTA, CAFA Tech, robots.expert, Municipality of Egaleo and INFOLYSiS conducted technical flight trials with drones in 5G network at the Stavros Mavrothalassitis municipal stadium of Egaleo, on 19-20 October 2020. Read more “Article on 5G!Drones by Media Networks Laboratory”


“Putting Drones to the 5G test”, IMT 5G!Drones article

5G!Drones, a European project bringing together industrialists, network operators and research centers, was launched in June 2019 for a three-year period. It should ultimately validate the use of 5G for delivery services by drone. Adlen Ksentini, a researcher at EURECOM, a key partner in the 5G!Drones project, explains the challenges involved.

Read more ““Putting Drones to the 5G test”, IMT 5G!Drones article”