Tag: journal


5G!Drones paper at IEEE TNSM journal

The following journal paper of Eurecom partner has been accepted and soon will be published in the IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management journal. Paper details: Sihem Bakri, Pantelis A. Frangoudis, Adlen Ksentiniand Maha Bouaziz, Data-Driven RAN Slicing Mechanisms for 5G and Beyond, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management journal, 1-15 pages, Online ISSN: 1932-4537. Read more “5G!Drones paper at IEEE TNSM journal”


5G!Drones in 5G-PPP journal publication

The 5G-PPP – The European 5G Annual Journal 2021 by 5G-PPP and 5G-IA was released in May 2021. In the timeframe of this annual report the last set of 5G PPP projects have started. These projects cover vital areas such as 5G innovations for verticals with third party services (ICT-41), 5G core technologies innovation (ICT-42) and Smart Connectivity beyond 5G (ICT-52). Read more “5G!Drones in 5G-PPP journal publication”


5G!Drones paper in MDPI Special Issue

The following paper has be published in MDPI, Special Issue 5G Enabled Energy Innovation, Energies 2021, 14, 1480 by NCSRD 5G!Drones team: Harilaos Koumaras, George Makropoulos, Michael Batistatos, Stavros Kolometsos, Anastasios Gogos, George Xilouris, Athanasios Sarlas and Michail‐Alexandros Kourtis, 5G-Enabled UAVs with Command and Control Software Component at the Edge for Supporting Energy Efficient Opportunistic Networks. Read more “5G!Drones paper in MDPI Special Issue”


European 5G Annual Journal 2020

Just released! Check out the European 5G Annual Journal 2020 (5th edition) by Full 5G and 5G-PPP. The phase 3 projects of the 5G-PPP show the way for use cases in vertical industries such as transport, manufacturing, energy and deliver on Europe’s 5G trial strategy. 5G!Drones participates in this Full 5G and 5G-PPP annual release by providing a project overview and details about the four 5G!Drones use cases which will be executed in four 5G platforms across Europe. Read more “European 5G Annual Journal 2020”