Tag: partners


5G!Drones 7th plenary meeting

The 7th 5G!Drones GA plenary meeting was organised remotely due to safety restrictions that apply worldwide! This virtual GA meeting run for 2 days (1-2 June 2021) discussing the project progress, WPs/tasks activities, the upcoming deliverables, milestones and the new goals to be met over the next period. On the second day, the meeting continued with more work package activities, discussions about EuCNC 5G!Drones’ virtual booth and KPIs analysis. Read more “5G!Drones 7th plenary meeting”


5G!Drones 3rd GA meeting

The 5G!Drones 3rd GA meeting was successfully completed at EURECOM premises, Sophia-Antipolis, France. Representatives of 20 partners participated for three days (28-20 January 2020) in a series of presentations, discussions and parallel meetings for evaluating the progress achieved so far and for setting the new goals and milestones for the next quarter. Read more “5G!Drones 3rd GA meeting”

Partners News

5G!Drones – An excellent mixture of partners

Partners5G!Drones project and its proposed use cases have been designed and defined by Verticals and they will be executed in close collaboration with the 5G and UAV industries, along with the help of the academia and city authorities. As a result, the 5G!DRONES consortium represents an excellent mixture of industrial and academic profiles from all over Europe. Read more “5G!Drones – An excellent mixture of partners”


5G!Drones Partners

The 5G!Drones consortium has been formed having in mind the complete ecosystem of UAV and 5G (Verticals, Providers, Manufacturers and complementary industries), and is composed of a number of partners able to tackle the challenges related with the execution of trials of UAV use cases on top of 5G infrastructures. Due to the multidisciplinary nature of the project, e.g. UAV, Read more “5G!Drones Partners”