Tag: publication


Nokia White Paper referencing 5G!Drones use cases

The following White paper “Controlling drones over cellular networks” was published by Nokia (5G!Drones partner) in June 2021. This white paper references 5G!Drones “D1.1 – Use case specifications and requirements” and provided vital insights about 5G!Drones use cases. In this short paper NOKIA presents how cellular networks can provide reliable connectivity to UASs and how high throughput applications from drones can be supported at the same time. Read more “Nokia White Paper referencing 5G!Drones use cases”


5G!Drones paper at IEEE TNSM journal

The following journal paper of Eurecom partner has been accepted and soon will be published in the IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management journal. Paper details: Sihem Bakri, Pantelis A. Frangoudis, Adlen Ksentiniand Maha Bouaziz, Data-Driven RAN Slicing Mechanisms for 5G and Beyond, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management journal, 1-15 pages, Online ISSN: 1932-4537. Read more “5G!Drones paper at IEEE TNSM journal”


5G!Drones Book chapter publication

5G!Drones book chapter published at IGI Global 2021 publication. Georgios Makropoulos, Harilaos Koumaras, Fotini Setaki, Konstantinos Filis, Thomas Lutz, Pawel Montowtt, Lechoslaw Tomaszewski, Piotr Dybiec, Tanel Järvet, “5G and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Use Cases: Analysis of the Ecosystem, Architecture, and Applications” Handbook of Research on 5G Networks and Advancements in Computing, Electronics, and Electrical Engineering, IGI Global, 2021, pp. 36-69, Chapter 3. Read more “5G!Drones Book chapter publication”


5G!Drones paper in MDPI Special Issue

The following paper has be published in MDPI, Special Issue 5G Enabled Energy Innovation, Energies 2021, 14, 1480 by NCSRD 5G!Drones team: Harilaos Koumaras, George Makropoulos, Michael Batistatos, Stavros Kolometsos, Anastasios Gogos, George Xilouris, Athanasios Sarlas and Michail‐Alexandros Kourtis, 5G-Enabled UAVs with Command and Control Software Component at the Edge for Supporting Energy Efficient Opportunistic Networks. Read more “5G!Drones paper in MDPI Special Issue”


5G-PPP White Paper on AI and ML

The white paper on “AI and ML as enablers of beyond 5G (B5G) networks” is based on contributions from almost 20 5G PPP projects, including 5G!Drones, coordinated through the 5G PPP Technology Board, that research, implement and validate 5G and B5G network systems. The paper introduces the main relevant mechanisms in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), currently investigated and exploited for enhancing 5G and B5G networks. Read more “5G-PPP White Paper on AI and ML”