


5G PPP SNS Newsflash

The latest 5G-PPP SNS Newsflash (July 2022) prepared by the Full5G project and 5G-PPP, is available online.  It refers to the latest 5G news and activities performed during the second quarter of 2022 by 5G-PPP and 6G-IA research projects. Several activities and upcoming events are also mentioned. Read more “5G PPP SNS Newsflash”


5G!Drones presentation at PRINSE’22

Ilkka Känsälä, Nokia 5G!Drones partner, presented during the Session 4B: Discovering extreme antennas (L10) at 7th PrintoCent Industry Seminar – PRINSE’22 (8 June 2022) the “Printed Electronics Ecosystem for Future Wireless Networks” mentioning also 5G!Drones. PRINSE’22 covered topics from printed intelligence to system-level reliable, sustainable and eco-friendly solutions for Future Products. Read more “5G!Drones presentation at PRINSE’22”


5G!Drones IEEE paper

5G!Drones journal paper published in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 10 March 2022. Paper details: Marceau Coupechoux, Jerome Darbon, Jean-Marc Kelif, Marc Sigelle, Optimal Trajectories of a UAV Base Station Using Hamilton-Jacobi Equations, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 10 March 2022. Read more “5G!Drones IEEE paper”


5G!Drones Newsletter

5G!Drones use several communication channels for impact creation and for communicating project’s news to the public. One of this channels is the 5G!Drones newsletter which is issued quarterly. So far, 11 newsletter issues have been published online. More issues will follow till the end of the project. Read more “5G!Drones Newsletter”